# Misc commands someone may find usefull (unsort) ---------- # Grep through the last days news logfile and find unwanted groups and the host you get them from. Sort by count of ocurrence zgrep -i 'unwanted newsgroup' /news/log/OLD/news.1.gz | awk '{print $10 " " $5}' | sed 's/\"//g' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rg > unwanted.txt ---------- ---------- # Find the biggest articles (probably binarys) you got from your peers and the peer that feedet it cat ~/log/news | awk '{print $7" "$6" "$5}' | sort -rgu | less ---------- ---------- # Cronjob: Cleanup innfeed-dropped files to save diskspace 0 1 * * * nice -n 19 /usr/bin/find /news/spool/innfeed/ -type f -name innfeed-dropped.* -mtime +5 -exec rm '{}' \; > /dev/null 2>&1 ---------- ---------- # http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/faqs/inn.html - 6.4. Feed all articles on a server to another server: on local host : $ perl -ne 'chomp; ($a,$b,$_) = split " "; print "$_\n" if $_' ~/db/history | tr . / > ~/outgoing/list on remote host: $ ctlinnd param c 0 on remote host: $ ctlinnd perl n on local host : $ innxmit news.server.net ~/outgoing/list ---------- ---------- # PGP-Check checkgroups message grephistory '' | sm | pgpverify -test ---------- ---------- # Get checkgroups message, strip Articleheader and feed to docheckgroups grephistory '' | sm | sed -E '/\w+/,/^$/d' | docheckgroups -u ---------- ---------- # Get checkgroups fom THH, deDOS-Fileformat, make spaces between group and description into tab and feed to docheckgroups wget "http://th-h.de/de-regio/show.php?hierarchy=ruhr&src=checkgroups" -O ~/tmp/checkgroups && \ perl -i -pe 's/\r//g' ~/tmp/checkgroups && \ perl -i -pe 's/\s+/\t/' ~/tmp/checkgroups && \ docheckgroups -u < ~/tmp/checkgroups ---------- ---------- # Refeed dropped Articles innfeed -x -p ~/tmp/$$_innfeed.pid -b ~/tmp/ /news/spool/innfeed/innfeed-dropped.A006118 ---------- ---------- # Get the PGP for the fido7 hierarchy gpg --allow-non-selfsigned-uid --recv-keys 0x02D04EF1 ----------